Tel: (780) 835-1511

Calgary Caribou Habitat Restoration, Linear Restoration and Linear Deactivation

Calgary Wet Land Restoration

Calgary Wet Land Restoration

“Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) has relied on Global Restoration for the completion of many wetland conservation maintenance and restoration projects. Their continued dedication and commitment to conservation has created a critical link for conservation support in their community. They truly are a valued DUC partner.”
Stacey Wabick– Ducks Unlimited Canada

Creating wetlands for water fowl habitat is like creating a little piece of paradise, while contributing to the health of the surrounding ecosystem. Wetlands provide a filter for silt, nutrients and contaminants that would otherwise work their way into our streams affecting drinking water, fish habitat, flora and fauna that inhabit these systems. Global Restoration Corp has been working with Ducks Unlimited in North Western Alberta to restore and maintain wetland habitat as far back as the early 90’s. The photo above was taken in the spring after we completed the project, the method used on this project was the placement of berms between naturally occurring higher points of land creating one continuous berm used to retain the water.

At Global Restoration Corp we have the expertise and equipment to complete your project economically and on time.

Dedicated to assisting the natural restoration of our forests and animal habitats
Safety. Innovation. Ecology.